This is an invitation to dive deeply into your subconscious beliefs with tapping to help clear what no longer serves you

Tapping mini-series


the tapping system is broken down into easy to consume method so that you can create a practice for yourself


The information in this mini-series helps give a greater understanding of EFT


you will be able to build your own experiential practice to feel empowered on your self-awareness journey

this is for people who have experienced tapping just a few times or have zero knowledge of tapping and want to get the foundational details about EFT

Focus your energy on bite sized, daily information that is easy to digest. Each video breaks down different tapping points, the science and history of tapping, plus you'll learn about the energy system. 

Option to upgrade at check out for the Audio Files including access to all the tapping info in the Foundations series + Chakra meditations you can listen to from your favorite podcast platform.

Bring tapping home


access to all the Audio files at the convenience of your ear pods


History and Science of Tapping


How it Works


Tapping Points


Putting it Together + Scripts


Chakra System + Chakra Meditations


Special Invitation to Connect

That feeling of allowing and accepting all the parts of you because you have a tool that makes it so easy.

Christy Chadwick

Since my early twenties, I have gathered tools, sought therapists, coaches, classes, courses, two master's degrees, yoga certifications and life experience to bring in a sense of self-awareness.

What tapping does is allow me to go inwards (my favorite thing now) in a safe, almost effortless way, so that I can be fully present with myself to process tough emotions while experiencing a sense of calm. I love it!

I'm excited to share it with you in this foundational mini-series so that you can have a greater understanding of just how powerful of a tool this is.

“Tapping has changed my life.”


“I love learning about the details of tapping in this simple way.”


“Love the way Christy breaks this down and shares the chakra info!”


“It's so nice to have this in my tool belt.”


After this

a Foundation to build upon

Take this introduction to practice tapping on your own time at the convenience of your finger tips, literally!

Confidence to expand

Release those limiting beliefs that hold you back in order to expand into that person you know you are meant to be.

New understanding

Have a greater awareness of the body, emotions, and the energy system so that you can find safety and clarity.

Wander into the world of Emotional freedom with this foundations of tapping mini series to learn the technique that allows you to experience just that: emotional freedom